Upgrading the office garden

  • Reasons to Spread Mulch Around Your Garden

    16 November 2020

    You might wonder whether the work of spreading mulch across your garden beds is worth the time and effort. However, doing so will save time plus beautify the landscape. Several reasons for a mulch project follow below. Hinders Weeds Mulch helps to eliminate a tedious garden chore: weeding. By covering the soil with a mulch barrier, you'll prevent sunlight from helping the weeds to sprout. As a result, you can spend your time being creative rather than undertaking routine tasks.

  • Don't Give Up Gardening As You Get Older! Get Better Equipment And Stay Active Outdoors

    14 April 2020

    For millions of Australians, being out in the open, under the sky, feels like it was in their blood. These green thumbs come in all shapes and sizes, from the very young to the more fragile older people who still love to keep themselves busy maintaining a healthy lawn. However, gardening is quite a physically intensive task, and for those that are more limited due to their physical condition, it can be very disheartening not to be able to do what used to be a quick task.